Thursday, January 18, 2007

"Maryland Empire"

There's always been a long-running joke that Maryland, is just, well, different. (Apologies to select Marylanders including my boyfriend Sean, blog reader Brian). Well, this book just confirms it : Weird Maryland.

Which brings me last Saturday when I went to see the David lynch film "Inland Empire" at the AFI theater in Silver Spring (full enough of it's own weirdness to warrant a Lynch movie.) Hmmm you know, it's been going around in my head for days now. I think I might have a theory as to "what is all means" but then again I could be wrong. Either way, it involves three hours of Laura Dern playing a foul-mouthed skank, dancing prostitutes, Polish carnies. I think that about sums it up. If you find a plot, let me know.

It was also Leather Weekend, and my friend found a nice leather harness (no pics, sorry). I saw some very, um, educational stuff. Basically got drunk three nights in a row is the sum of it. Come to think of it, Tuesday night I got drunk too, on way too many cocktails at a work happy hour at the Front Page because the guy kept giving me half-priced gin-and-tonics long after happy hour had ended. Sure, blame it all the bartender. If this keeps going, I'll be turning into Phil.

Oh, and today is my friend Fred's birthday, so Happy Birthday Fred!


Anonymous said...

Inland Empire? Will check it out and if I find a plot in that movie Adam so help me....*smile*

Drunk three nights in a row? You won't be turning into Phil you'll turn into THE Karen Walker (of will and grace) and will start saying lovely gems like this: “Karen- OK, rule number one. Unless you're served in a frosted glass, never come within four feet of my lips.”


Anonymous said...

Birthday pictures

buff said...

You are having way too much fun there, stud.

Wasn't the leather market at MAL fun? Hot stuff, not only the guys.

Thanks for sharing. Big hairy muscle hugs.