Monday, December 19, 2005

Festivus Miracle on 19th Street

First off, if you aren't familiar with the holiday of Fesitvus, read up on it. I think it should be the new non-demoniational celebration. And who doesn't LOVE the concept of the "airing of the grievances?"

So, Monday (12th) my boyfriend Phil was guest bartending at JR's and so I showed up, along with all of his friends. I had a great time... I was there from 7pm to 1am... and forgot about the little part of getting up for work the next morning. To my credit, Tuesday morning, despite a NASTY hangover, I got up and came to work... only to go right back home because I felt like hell. All day I was recovering, it felt like. Never drink that much again (sure...I've said that before).

Wednesday (14th) was a huge day. It was the evening of my office party, Phil's office party for the DNC, and Dave's party.
My office party was at Lauriol Plaza, but I couldn't hang around too long (long enough for three maragaritas). Caught the subway to Chinatown to meet Phil at Drinx for his party. More on that later...
Then we hopped a cab to his friend Dave's place on upper 14th St. It was a really great party, Phil's good friend Cameron was there, and I continued to not watch how much I drank (just like Monday night) and poor Phil had to take care of me when we got back home! Sorry babe!

The next morning Phil left early to catch his flight for Vegas, and I crawled home to shower and go to work hungover yet again. I was so unproductive. And yet somehow, after work, I caught my second-wind and went Christmas shopping over at Pentagon City. On my way home I got absolutely drenched by the cold rain, and deicded to call it a day and go to bed.

Friday every one split the office early, and I went to finish up my Christmas shopping at Pentagon City yet again (I had to return something anyway). My patience with people is about expired, from the rude bitchy salepeople, to people that don't move out of your way, I'm dreaming of a nice Christmas plague.

Saturday night was the Festivus party at Emily's. Phil came with me, and we caught a ride with Margo and Fred out to Leesburg, Virginia. Yes, Leesburg... it's near the West Virginia border. It's out-there. I don't think the word "suburban" even describes it. Anyway the party was fun, had a yankee-swap gift exchange...which I was never too find of, but in the end I won my precious economy-size bottle of Champagne. We came back to the city, and had a late-night dinner at the Diner in Adams Morgan, walked over to my place, and crashed.

It was so nice Sunday morning to sleep in and enjoy eachother. When we finally did feel like getting up, we met Dena for brunch at that bagel shop on P st. She convinced me to go to Eastern Market over on Capitol Hill with her for some shopping. I spent the whole day avoiding cleaning or doing laundry (which is getting rediculous... I should hire a maid!)

More exciting things coming this week...I'll keep you posted!

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