Monday, March 23, 2009

"In Vino Veritas"

It’s Forcing Me to Believe it...

So Sean got me some samples of this new health drink called “Glowelle.” It’s apparently very popular with celebrities at the moment… so it must be true!

It has an… odd aftertaste. But it’s loaded with vitamins, antioxidants… I don’t know what some if it means, but it’s forcing me to believe it! It’s making me scientifically more beautiful.

Wine Weekend

This was a very pleasant weekend for me. The weather was a little cold, but I ventured with my friend Kim, some of her friends, and F to a winery near Colonial Beach, VA for a wine tasting and chili cook-off event. The place was called “Ingleside” and I really liked their set-up. Afterwards we went to the waterfront, ate lunch at a seafood place… and somehow ended up making “friends” at a bar where we proceeded to spend the next four hours. Fun times… it’s been awhile since I’ve been trashed in the middle of the day. This is why I love wine trips! I hope Kim had a good birthday. I think she did. (I have some pictures posted on the Facebooks).

Poor Chef Tom got sick and stayed home on Sunday resting for the most part. I did meet up with M/ “Gia” and sat in the Circle enjoying the beautiful afternoon. I needed all of this; for some reason last week felt very stressful.

I’m trying to plan some sort of get-together next month for my birthday. My friends know that in the past I make a big deal out of birthdays for some reason. I remember Drunky McDrunkerson hated birthdays… I always found people like that very strange (of course, if I had to look in the mirror and see Drunky staring back, I wouldn’t feel like celebrating either LOL). Anyway, my point is I’ll be in Toronto area visiting friends / sightseeing with Sean the week of my b-day, but I’d love to do something… another BanAAna Café night?

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