Monday, April 30, 2007

From Russia (House) with Love

Quote of the Day:
"Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world. Indeed, it's
the only thing that ever has."
-- Margaret Mead

What a week it had been - since my last post I peeled from my sunburn (what I get for going overboard with the sun last weekend), went to Capitol Hill for the introduction of the ENDA legislation (which aims to protect GLBT persons from employment discrimination on the federal level) had dinner with Joe Solmonese of HRC, celebrated Fernando's birthday (Happy Birthday, Fernando!!)

The dinner I had on Thursday night, when I met Joe, was at The Russia House. I think I've found a new favorite restaurant in the city. Actually I've been there several times before but usually just for drinks and appetizers. Being a bit of a Russophile myself (I studied Russian for 3 years in college) I wanted to try the food (I was thinking of taking Sean there). The vodka list itself in impressive (of course) and the food was superb. I'll definitely be going back.

Friday night we celebrated Fernando's birthday with a party at Margo's house, followed by Banana Cafe. We went out again Saturday night to Halo, then to dancing at Apex, the end of the story being Sean and I didn't even wake up the next day until 2 (it felt so early...)At any rate I love it when I get Sean to dance...
But we did manage to get ourselves together for a beautiful day and we went to Great Falls Park. Pictures forthcoming... We also realized we hadn't eaten all day (save for that large slice of post-Apex pizza, so bad yet so good...) so we went to Brio's in Tyson's Corner for dinner. I'd forgotten how good that place is, and how large their portions are (what do you think I'm eating for lunch today). Speaking of lunch, I'm hungry. More later!

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