Saturday, August 21, 2004

Let Me Entertain You...

So, where do I begin. Well yesterday I had a really nice dinner and discussed the possible idea of moving to New York. Now, I know it sounds rash, but really. Sometimes, I just get so bored living in DC. I mean, I love all of my friends and I have some wonderful experiences here. But having been to NYC several times I just find it so more exciting than this place and I wouldn't mind trying it out. It's always good to try something new. And speaking of new, I also got my hair styled yesterday. I promise to put up a pic later. Anyway I guess my point is, after having dinner yesterday, everything really felt like it was falling into place for once, like everything in my life wasn't going so bad and there's hope. Yeah, this summer has been a bit depressing on certain fronts, but Autumn is coming, and Autumn has always (for me, anyway) been a season of change, hope, and new beginnings. It's almost like you can smell it in the crisp air. It seems all of my relationships start in Autumn, college starts in Autumn, I tend to move to new places in Fall too. So we shall see...
Sorry to ramble on a bit. Here's today's new quiz! (I have my friend Bianca to thank for getting me hooked on quizzes! Damn you...can't resist quizzes!)
I always wondered what kind of alcoholic drink I was...yet somehow I always pictured myself more of a Midori Sour or a Gin & Tonic.

?? Which Alcoholic Drink Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
One final note on potentially moving to NYC... I was looking at apartment prices in Manhattan and almost pissed myself! Yikes! And I thought London was expensive. Ok, so they probably are about the same, but I did find resonable rent prices in Brooklyn and Queens (can't you just see ME living in bourough called Queens? haha!). Well, comparable to Washington that is. If anyone reading this can find any good deals in Manhattan by all means let me know!!! Of course, if I found a cheap place in Manhattan, I sure as hell wouldn't tell anyone!

Oh, and finalmente~ visit my friend Bianca's blog. Go HereShe lives in Portland, Oregon. Another one of my favorite cities!
Ok, lastly, I couldn't resist one more stupid quiz.
Quiz Me
Adam was
a Happy Pimp
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

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