Monday, June 16, 2008

Leaving Las Vegas Salt Lake...

Well you know when I arrived this afternoon on the flight back from Salt lake with F - we were greeted (of course) by a massive thunderstorm. What is it lately?

So the SLC was fun - it's always great to stay at the "Manoir du Verger" - thanks for everything, B. I have some pictures from the dinner event I'll upload later. It was nice just to spend a few days, aside from the dinner, just drinking black cherry cosmos and sitting by the pool (I've gotten some great color), or riding around in the Bently singing along to "Total Eclipse of the Heart" :)

Shit, now it's stuck in my head... "I don't know what to do, I'm always in the dark...."

Anyway, I'll leave you with some summer recommends:
"In the Country of Last Things" by Paul Auster - I read this on the trip, and really enjoyed it, though it's a bit depressing - not light summer reading.
"The Magus" by John Fowles - One of my favorite novels. I re-read it every few years because as I grow older, I discover more truths that I couldn't understand when I was younger.
"The Strangers" - I saw this with P & F, and I think they can attest that I'm sure my nails left permanent impressions on the armrests. I like some horror movies - this one is worth a watch. Favorite line: "Because you were home..."
I actually need some new stuff for my iPod - what's good that's out and new?

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