Monday, April 23, 2007

In Recovery

After my birthday I think I celebrated myself into sickness. Of course I have NO idea how my immune system could've gotten down, what with the flowing booze, cold wet weather (wink). SO the end of last week was spent nursing myself back from a nasty few days of flu. But alas, those of you who thought it was a good idea to play with the Adam voodoo doll - I am back and better than ever!
What a wonderful weekend it was too! I went out per the usual Friday night, and went shopping Saturday, found some cute things for summer, went to Old Town with friends, met up with Sean. Sunday him and I had a picnic in Dupont Circle, and went to see everything in bloom at Dumbarton Oaks in Georgetown. I always love to go there in the Spring, whenthe gardens are at their best. Maybe it's because I've been inside for the past 6 months, but I managed to get burned yesterday while being out and about! Anyway, here are the pictures of our visit.

1 comment:

Tina Di Mauro said...

Very interesting blog!