Monday, July 25, 2005

Wedding & a Birthday

Well, it's been an eventful weekend. First, Friday was Raven and Kevin's wedding! Raven looked absoultely beautiful and I wish them the best. I don't have any pictures from the ceremony now, but I will post when I do.
Satruday was Ken's birthday (well, techincally it's today, Monday) so we (Bob and myself) celebreated by first going for lunch at drinks in Adams Morgan, and then paddleboating on the Tidal Basin by the Jefferson Memorial because that's something Ken's always wanted to do since moving to DC.
Then we met Margo and Fred at Lauriol Plaza on 18th for dinner and more drinks. It was a fun dinner for sure... (see photos)

After that we went on to the gay strip club, Wet where I had the fun of running into a guy I knew...working as a dancer. LOL, I was sure to give him a tip, the look on his face when he recognized me was worth the price of admission alone...
Ken got bored with the cock pretty quickly so we headed next door for a complete change of pace at the industrial club, Chiaroscuro. I got drunk as hell, really drunk. I'm sure I made a royal fool of myself... pictures NOT forthcoming.
And the rest, as they say, is history...

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