Sunday, August 31, 2008
Away Message, Bitch!
I will leave you with some Britney to get you through the tough weeks without me...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Is Bad Publicity Really Better Than None??
From today's Letters in The Washington Blade...
J.R.’s should honor non-U.S. forms of ID
To the Editors:
I am an American living in Canada, and I recently visited Washington, D.C. for a conference. Much to my surprise, one of the city’s venerable gay bars — JR.’s — discriminated against me, denying me entry simply because I don’t live in the United States.
When friends and I went to enter the bar on Saturday, Aug. 24, the employee at the door asked to check my ID. I chuckled, actually, since I certainly don’t look like I am under 21, but it wasn’t a big deal — that is, until the employee told me JR.’s would not accept my driver’s license, issued by the Canadian province of Ontario, as a valid form of identification.
At first I thought he was joking, but he was serious. He told me that JR.’s only accepts U.S. driver’s licenses. He asked if I had my passport on me, but who carries around their passport when they are barhopping?
The employee at JR.’s told me that this was the law in D.C. But that didn’t ring true to me since every other bar I went to didn’t have a problem accepting my Ontario license. But if this is indeed the law, it doesn’t make sense in a world-class city that certainly has its share of international tourists.
In the end, JR.’s was the big loser since my friends (who have U.S. licenses) and I spent our drinking money at the city’s other gay bars. But still, this policy — whether in force by the city or JR.’s itself — is more xenophobic than sensible.
Toronto, Canada
-You know. First - I bet the door guy couldn't even find Ontario on a map. "No honey, that's Malaysia!"
Second, this is so illustrative of what's fucked up about American culture. I've been to about 17 countries and I've NEVER had to show an ID to get into a place to have fun or god forbid drink... except the U.S. I'm so tired of this place sometimes.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Disco Lies!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
DILF Wednesdays
Monday, August 25, 2008
I'm Just Turning Up Everywhere
HALO FRIDAY NIGHT 08/15 I think your name is ADAM - m4m - 44 (Halo - 14th Street NW)
Reply to:
Date: 2008-08-18, 9:14PM EDT
You tall dark and handsome -- I think your name is Adam?
We stared at each other a few times and you even smiled at me once.
Maybe more next time???!!!
Let's see: Tall? check. Dark? check. Handsome? double check. Adam? check. Halo? check... Hmmm.
Anderson, I told you to stop posting missed connections!
He puts the "W" in Wacked
Friday, August 22, 2008
Rocky Mountain High
Hope the convention goes well. Don't pAArty too much and best of luck!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Britney Invades My Junk Folder!
Therapists ask media to stop diagnosing the Bi-Polar Britney Spears
Britney Spears has Fanny Magnets Grafted in to Attract Papparazzi
Kevin Federline to start coffin making factory!
Britney Spears Leaves Earth, Humanity Breathes Sigh of Relief
Britney to give young parents tips on child care
Britney Spears Admits "My Vagina Made Me Shave My Head Bald"
Britney shaves her head again. Also seen shopping naked.
[The sad things is, anyone of them could be true...]
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Boys of Summer
Sunday we managed to get up moderately early and go to Rehoboth Beach for the day. We both had a great time, except the water seemed unseasonably cold. Oh well, we'll be in the Caribbean soon and won't have to worry about that. Did the boardwalk thing and had dinner and a gay bar/restaurant called Aqua Grille. The shirtless waiters in sailor outfits was a nice touch! oh, the food was good too. On the way home we stopped at my namesake, the famous Adam's Fruit Market. Indeed, that should be the name of my life.
Friday, August 15, 2008
It's Just Too Easy
DILF Wednesdays
What's a DILF you ask? Well click here to find out. So basically you a) have to be a man, b) preferably be older than me - use your judgment on that one, and c) be hot.
Today's DILF is Patrick Dempsey again, AKA McDreamy. I told you I'd bring him back from time to time.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Sex & the Suburbs
I had a happy hour with friends at The Fox and Hound after work last night – I forgot how when you order, say, a rum and coke there, they give you a glass of rum on ice…with a coke on the side. It’s one of the douchiest places on 17th (next to JRs anyway) but I had fun anyway. I met Margo afterward for tea at Soho. It’s funny to think, for years I went here everyday. Margo, me and others went there without fail every night for a long time. I think the smoking ban changed the place forever, though you can still smell the lingering smoke – I don’t think that will ever air out!
This is sort of a random topic but a conversation last night got me to thinking about living situations. Sean has mentioned a few times the idea of us living together. It’ll be 2, count ‘em 2, years together this fall. Sometimes I think he slips a mention of living together in conversations just to see if I’m paying attention!
So far, I’ve been pretty adept at avoiding the topic: “Live together? Oh look at the bird behind you! What nice weather we’re having!” But I don’t think it’s a topic that’s going to go away as we continue seeing each other.
Up until now I thought the short driving distance between us was kind of a positive thing; he had his life and I had mine and we saw each other when we wanted to. I’m a pretty independent person and the idea of living with someone again kinda scares me, though if I could get along with anyone I’m sure it would be Sean, it would just take some adjusting on both sides. My friends know they don’t have to worry about losing me yet – I don’t see us adopting and taking my kids to soccer practice just yet! Though maybe nesting-phobia does have a little to do with it. If we start going antique-shopping on the weekends, then my friends can worry…
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Lohans vs. My Husband
Hat tip to Margo for the video where Anderson Cooper, rightly so, criticizes Dina Lohan for the way she exploits/"raises" her daughters. Well, apparently both Dina and Lindsay's father Michael have shot back at Anderson, telling him basically to be quiet... Oh no they did not just go there! That's my husband you're talking about. What the Lohans need to do is back up off my man! Hold my earrings!
[side note - I have never met a woman named Dina who was normal - every Dina I've ever met is crazy. Why is that?]
Oh and does anyone remember THIS gem, where Anderson goes to a leather bondage store? So does he still claim he doesn't want to talk about his sexuality? Hmmm hmmmm.... please. Leather daddy!
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Bye Bye Buca
I get things like this from Sean, being a chef, is in the know on all these food-related news. For instance, who knew that last year there "was an heirloom tomato craze" in the culinary world?
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Silver Fox Wednesdays
Did I mention last time I was in London I robbed a bank? No, wait, three banks. And I stole the crown jewels too. I think I need to be interrogated and searched, Brian...