Wednesday, July 30, 2008

McDreamy Silver Fox Wednesdays

Ok, so I couldn't find a new decent picture of "McDreamy" Patrick Dempsey so I am going to rename my Wednesday special as "Silver Fox Wednesdays." And of course today's selection is my husband, Anderson. Stare into his steel blue can't look away!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Let Me Break the Ice…

Britney vs. Beyonce night at Town was a lot of fun – of course Britney won (as if there was any contest with P around, making sure she won). My plans of lying by the pool the next day were put on hold because it was just too damn hot – so instead I bought some books and joined Sean for sushi once he got off work.

Sean had to go deal with the remodel of his restaurant that’s been a recurring hassle lately, so I joined P and F at Annie’s…mere moments, I hear, after a certain someone had left. Oh pity. There was a big thunderstorm – love storms!, we went shopping, and then I went to Margo’s for a party she was throwing for an adorable 4-year old who’s staying with her. The Little Mermaid was the theme of her party – great minds think alike! Hell, I’m 27 and that was a theme at my party back in April. Stop laughing at me!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

No way!

Could it be?

This came to my attention, and it makes me wonder...

From the Craigslist "missed connections"

for Adam - m4m - 35 (NWDC)

Reply to:
Date: 2008-07-23, 8:35AM EDT

I miss having sex with you man. I just can't do that with anybody else. I know youre in a sensitive situation, in so many ways, but I really wish we could just lay in bed together again, after a long walkup the hill.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


So I need helpful hints: what is the best place in the DC metro region for tanning? I mean as in real tanning beds. I know, I know, cancer risk blah blah but a few death rays are a small price to pay for bronzed skin. And I’m not doing that spray-tan stuff because I’ve heard too many horror stories and seen too many tragic mishaps of orange skin; I’ll take my chances on the UV rays. I feel too pale – I try to get sun when I can but that usually winds up being my face, arms, and feet. In Mexico last year I was embarrassed by my pallor in comparison to the other guys on the beach. Granted some of them were Corinthian-leather-brown, but still I’m like to look healthy before hitting the beach. It’s ironic, tanning before the beach. Like those gyms where everyone is already buff so you feel like you need to work out before you work out. Discuss!


It was fabulous having a reuniting with the other two "witches" last night. Of course there was a massive storm to accompany our cocktails at Halo. And extra thanks to F for pretending to be my boyfriend to get that Australian skank off me. They're all convicts, you know.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Topic of the Day

Going up to "the Hill" this afternoon, and every time I've gone up there in the past, it usually leaves me feeling drained and exhausted. I'm really glad I work downtown as opposed to Capitol Hill. D.C. - and politics in general - seems to attract a certain breed. Much in the same way showbiz in Los Angeles attracts certain types and mentalities. I'm not saying it's purely good or bad - just that both cities seem to be filled with certain personalities. And I can personally only take so much "type A."
As I've heard before "D.C. is like L.A. for ugly people."

McDreamy Wednesdays: 07/23/08

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Who's That Adam?

While I'm on an 80's Madonna kick...

Favorite line "She trouble, in a word, get closer to the fire..."

La Isla Bonita

Sorry I haven't updated much - got lots of sun over the weekend, that's about it. We made it halfway to Rehoboth before we had to stop in some scary redneck town - Sean's car was having some, shall we say, technical difficulties. So scary auto shop in nowhereville Eastern Shore was no help, and we both figured we'd best turn back before we got stuck in a cornfield. (Drunky - you can put down that "Black Magic for Dummies") The weekend wasn't totally ruined; we hung out by the pool at both his place and mine, so that was nice.

And in beach-related news, Sean and I are taking a much-needed getaway at the end of next month to the Caribbean. So here's Madonna's "La Isla Bonita" to get us in that mood...
I so envision myself dancing around in that red flamenco dress. "Last night I dreamed of San Pedro...It all seems like yesterday not far away..."

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Age of Silver Foxes

The much-anticipated Advocate issue is out featuring my husband Anderson Cooper on the cover. And the main article is all about "silver foxes."

"I had seen silver foxes before, of course, and even counted some of them as friends, but this guy was different: He was stunning -- lean, attractive, skin unblemished. With his stylish clothes, Ferragamo shoes, and palpable sense of ease, he was a paragon of desirability -- and his thick gray hair only upped the sexy quotient. I wanted to sleep with him, date him, have his kids. And it was all the more enchanting considering this was in Chelsea in New York City, where the average gay guy still sports cargo pants and a fake tan. This man -- and he was definitely a man -- made the other guys look like mere boys.

Sure enough, I started to see silver foxes like him everywhere, these smoking-hot guys with toned torsos, obvious confidence, and insouciant hair, who weren’t decades older than me but only a few years. Wherever I was -- on Seventh Avenue, in my Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, or on business trips -- they seemed to flaunt their silver hair and masculinity as if they hadn’t a care in the world. I was beguiled. Now I couldn’t wait to go gray. I wanted to be a silver fox -- and to date one"

Friday, July 18, 2008

Barely Regal

Prince Harry. Just because I felt like it.


So while persuing options for the weekend, I came across a high-larious add for “Rehobus.” It’s a bus that takes gay people to Rehoboth Beach. I can only imagine it’s like those cheap Chinatown death-mobiles that go to New York City, only for cheap queens who can't afford to drive.
And not just any queens. Oh no, it gets better. It's apparently is run by Daddy Complex Duplex Diner.
Oh Joy – imagine being on a bus full of those queens. It’s like my friend P says: “Power gays? More like power bottoms!”
(I swear, P, you need to trademark that phrase.)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Take Me on a Roller Coaster...

So Sean has the whole weekend off away from the kitchen - a rarity! So I'm trying to think of what to do for a weekend getaway. Drive to Rehoboth? The mountains? Anyone have any good / interesting ideas?

I love this song, and the video even more - wealthy older men, Vegas, bathing in cash and pearls...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gut, Ja!

I went a little crazy in the bookstore yesterday. I was looking for a book in the travel section on my lunch hour and got waylayed by the cookbooks. I bought 6. But they were on sale! Anyway, one of them was a Scandinavian cookbook, and I was possessed by a weird craving for Swedish meatballs.
So today I worked from home. I honestly had a weird ache - plus it's in my union contract I can work from home, so I took advantage of it. So anyway I made them and they were hella good, way better than anything at IKEA! Of course I've made a few personal twists to my recipe...

Ädäm's Swedish Meatballs

1.25 pounds ground beef
large pinch nutmeg
large pinch allspice
large pinch ground ginger
large pinch dried parsley
1 tsp garlic powder
1 cup water (or milk)
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
2 cups beef stock
3 tbsp heavy cream
1 small container fresh portobella mushrooms
salt, fresh ground black pepper
Serve with: egg noodles, lingonberry jam

Put the ground beef in a bowl and mix with nutmeg, allspice, parlsey, garlic, salt & pepper to taste and mix with your hands. Add water (or milk) a little at a time, then slowly add egg. Shape into little balls.
Heat oil in pan, and fry meatballs until cooked, let aside. Melt butter in pan, and then slowly add flour. Slowly add stockto form a smooth sauce. Add mushrooms and ginger and bring sauce to a boil, and let the sauce thicken a little. Add cream and mix in; then add meatballs and simmer for 5-10 mins. Serve over egg noodles with lingonberry jam on side.

Monday, July 14, 2008

I Know Who Enabled Drunky

I still haven't watched/had the time to waste on Lindsay Lohan's last movie, "I Know Who Killed Me." I had a friend who watched it and told me that all the shiteous reviews didn't do it justice; it's so bad it's almost good. Hey, she won a Razzie for "Worst Actress."
For laughs, do read this in-depth review of it. Now I kinda want to see it.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Sk8r Boi Man?

Ok - has anyone else noticed the apparent trend of guys who looks over 25 riding around on skateboards?!?
Yes, grown men, seriously commuting around on skateboards. I had a skateboard once... when I was 15. Sean and I have seen so many men who are way too old to be on skateboards lately. It's enough to make even Avril Levine sick. Guys: it's called accepting age with dignity.

One trend I do like is the seeming resurgence of fedoras. Those close to me know my fetish for hats (Sean still harasses me when I buy one - "Adam how many hats do you have already?!") So of course I have a few fedoras added to my summer collection. No skateboards though LOL.

I had fun last night at Halo with F and my friend Kim and her girlfriend who's in town from London. Yummy black cherry cosmos, which I totally stole the recipe from Halo to make on my own. I begrudgingly admit that Cobalt makes a good passion fruit cosmo, too. It's all in the vodka!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Someone We Know in 20 5 years

Yesterday my friend P was blogging about a handsome Russian billionaire, and I saw this news story from Russia...

I swear if you replace "Russia" with "Washington" and "wife" with "boyfriend" you'll have a dark vision of a certain someone's future...

Wife Kills Drunk Husband With Folding Couch

ST PETERSBURG (Reuters) - A Russian woman in St Petersburg killed her drunk husband with a folding couch, Russian media reported on Wednesday.
St Petersburg's Channel Five said the man's wife, upset with her husband for being drunk and refusing to get up, kicked a handle after an argument, activating a mechanism that folds the couch up against a wall.

Monday, July 07, 2008

soju, so good

"The trouble with America is that there are far too many wide, open spaces surrounded by teeth." -Charles Luckman.

And that, I think is fitting for the 4th of July. This year seemed especially anti-climactic for me. I'm not sure why, but I was very sleepy all weekend. Sean was off Friday and Sunday, and aside from some Soho and Halo, we really didn't go out much. We would have gone out Saturday night, but we got caught in a downpour and go soaked. Actually, it was kinda romantic; I had fun getting wet.
For some reason Sean and I got on this Korean kick after we had dinner at Mandu (which means "dumpling" in Korean) on 18th St near Lauriol Plaza. It actually used to be a Nepalese/Tibetan place called Everest - Margo and I ate there once. While I liked their soju (rice wine) menu, having visited Korea, I felt the food was definitely "Americanized" for Western tastes. For real Korean food you have to go to Annandale, which we did on Sunday. Sorak Garden is consistently good. And then we went to Lotte, the Asian grocery on Fairfax Circle that I love going to. If it's Asian and it's edible, they have it! Oh, and Sean and I went to a hookah bar. That's about my weekend - it was good to just relax. By th way - I still haven't grabbed a copy of The Advocate with Andy on the cover (see below). It's so going on my wall... no I'm not 14 years old.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Quote of the Day 07/02/08

"The only people for me are the mad ones. The ones who are mad to love, mad to talk, mad to be saved; the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars." - Jack Kerouac

McDreamy Wednesdays : 07/02/08

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day to my friends in the north (in what may one day be my home). Cute hockey players, maple syrup, gay marriage, polar bears... what's not to love?

So here's some Canada Day pride with Shawn Ashmore for you all. Oh Canada!