Sunday, June 26, 2005
Win a Date With Adam Scandalous!
and it's not like I WANT to be in relationships all the time...they just sort of happen, even when I just want a fuck-buddy.
So, to help me weed out potential co-dependents, psychos, Mr. Wrongs, and general losers, I have created the Adam Scandalous Dating Questionaire.
(feel free to print out and make copies for your friends) Fill one out today, and win a date with me!*
*subject to terms and conditions, open to legal residents of the 50 states and DC, must be 18 years of age or older, and have the maturity to match.
*Have you ever been convicted of a felony and/or incarcerated? If so, PLEASE explain. I can't wait to hear...
*Have you ever been in a psychiatric facility? On meds? Do you have "issues?" Again, please explain.
*Have you been/are currently addicted to any narcotics. AA member?
*Please note Adam is NOT currently interested in "helping" you become something, completing you, or emotionally/finacially supporting you in any way.
*If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider yourself pretty much disqualified.
Now, the fun part:
What Adam is looking for
*Guys that are not from Louisiana or Quebec. No. Hands down, no. Nyet. Nein. Non.
*Guys that act their age.
*Guys that are out of the closet to their family and friends and co-workers. No, I am SICK of being anyone's "good friend."
*Guys that aren't afraid of Public Displays of Affection, especially in our own gay ghettos like Dupont.
*Guys that have managed to move out of mommy and daddy's basement in the suburbs.
*Guys who HATE Bjork
*Guys who have ambition
*Guys who take general care of their bodies...this includes certain grooming techniques...nobody should have to floss after oral sex.
*Guys who aren't cheapskates.
*Guys who can appreciate nightlife.
*Guys that are relatively punctual.
*Guys that like my friends, and whose friends like me (yes, I KNOW that one is asking a lot)
*Guys that aren't afraid to get dirty.
*Guys that like Thai food. And restaurants in general.
*Guys that like British comedies.
*Guys that HATE the Golden Girls (it's a long story...have an ex that was obsessed with that show...I could die a happy man without ever seeing that show again)
*Guys that like Universal Gear.
*Guys that aren't afraid to go in the Leather Rack.
*Guys that do NOT live in Logan Circle (again, long story)
*Guys that can be spontaneous in all situations.
*Guys that prefer tea to coffee.
*Guys that go to the gym.
*Guys that are NOT work-a-holics
-alright, I think I've exhausted my list for now. If you think you apply to most of the above, hit me up. I'm not, me, never!
Friday, June 24, 2005
Multiple Sighs of Relief...
By the way, happy Summer, as Tuesday was the Summer Solstice (ie, the first day of Summer).
Second, Margo's birthday is coming up, so Happy Birthday, Margo!!
I'm not really sure where else to much has happened since my last post...
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
First I learn about the drama about Ken staying with Margo and how he had to leave beacuse of a dispute. Then late last night Bianca calls me upset because her mom (whom she's staying with for awhile while visiting the East Coast) threw her out too after a dispute so DJ and her drove to her dad's house on the Eastern Shore, and then Raven calls this morning to tell me her and Kevin are thinking about rushing their wedding, eloping, and getting married TOMORROW!!!
Never a dull moment...
Monday, June 13, 2005
Happy Pride!
Friday I spent some time with Bianca and DJ (the friends visiting from Portland Oregon) to take a night tour of the Lincoln Memorial and other stuff around the Mall. It was DJ's first time in Washington, so it was special for him.
Saturday we went together to Dupont Circle for the Gay Pride Parade. The parade was fabulous, and I have a ton of pictures to post as soon as I find a website to host all my images (I'm a cheap ass and don't want to pay for my own domain!)
It was wonderful, and we met up with Margo and Fred and went to Georgetown to get some shopping done for Bianca. We then headed back to Dupont to meet with Ken and Bob (yes, BOB, "I remember when Bob and I..." that Bob) and we went as a group over to the Brickskeller for beer and dinner, and Raven joined us too.
The next day along with Bianca (DJ split off to go check out the Holocaust Museum) I went to the second part of pride weekend, the Capital Pride street festival, on Pennsylvania Ave. It was absolutely hot as hell, but it was great to see people. At one end there was a stage for various artists, and I managed to catch Deborah Cox's performance. You know, I've never been a big Deborah Cox fan at all, but I have to say, she gave a FIERCE live performance, and it was cool to be that close to her. Aside from the music, free stickers and beads, it was way too hot to really enjoy it. So we went to Adams Morgan for dinner with Ken, walked back to Dupont Circle as night fell and relaxed in the circle. Somehow by the end of the night I was exhausted from all the walking and heat.
Today I went to help Margo since she had to take her car to the dealership, so I offfered her a ride home. Only it seemed everywhere I tried to go there was some major accident or construction! Argh! I was an hour late picking her up, I felt so bad, but around here, what can you do?
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Under Pressure
Monday there was a spectacular thunderstorm, something just short of a hurricane! It was something to see. Oh, my friend Bianca and her boyfriend DJ have come from Portland, Oregon, to stay for most of the month of June and sightsee around Maryland, DC, & Virginia. They arrived this past weekend. I've been busy during the weekdays this week, so I can't spend much time with them unfortunately. But we will have all weekend hopefully.
I also wish I could take the time to go visit Laura and Ian. We have kept in touch, and we always talk about hanging out, but I haven't yet (still) had the time to come to Richmond. Hopefully you guys can up here someday too! I also have two more job interviews, one tomorrow. Yes, as a friend said, finding a job IS a full-time job, especially in DC! I of course continue to work my other job, but I'm always searching for greener pastures... namely the greener pastures that offer 40K a year and benefits.
Yesterday I ran into my friend Joe, who I hadn't seen in some time. He was around Dupont to water Chris's plants while he's abroad in Costa Rica. So we started talking and he made the observation that I only seem to date older guys. Which brings me to..
I'm a Daddy's Boy
-or, Why Adam Only Dates Older Men
Hmmm. Actually the youngest guy I've dated was 25 (or 15, depending if you use actual years or maturity level). All the others have been in the 27-33 range. I just turned 24 this April. So it's not that great an age difference usually, but I've noticed there are great variations in maturity levels from 18-24 approximately. That is to say, an 18 year old fresh out of high school is not going to have a lot in common with me as a 24 year old, even though there's only 5-6 year age difference. Whereas with someone 5-6 years older than me, there would be less maturity-difference because we'd both have been in the "real world" so a significant amount of time.
(Anderson Cooper of CNN News, one of the sexier older men out there...)
So what I am saying is this: I have no problems having a fling with say, some shaggy-haired 19-year old boy. But when it comes to actually having a mature relationship, I need someone older, experienced, mature, financially and emotionally stable. Men are like wine...the more they mature the better they get!
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Good Ridance to Bad Rubbish
Depsite many things going very well in my life, allow me to bitch about the things that, while trivial, collectively attacked me all at once yesterday: headache, waiting for a friend visiting from out-of-town to contact me, my family bitching at me, Jim out of town, stuck in traffic for an hour and a half, rain, Casey (me ex) contacting me and starting an argument...
I swear some days you just regret getting out of fucking bed in the first place. I should be happy, ecstatic, at all the things going on in my life, but yesterday was the dumps. So I took an extra dose of St. John's Wort, laid in the sun, and have generally had an Adam Day.
Some good news reached my ears though as a result of a phone conversation yesterday...
Hitler Goes West
Yes, Hitler (AKA Casey, my ex) has a job interview this thursday in Los Angeles, California for some company... Do you realize what this means??? Casey not only could potentially be leaving this city, but he could be moving clear across the fucking continent!! I'll never have to see him again!! I'm doing a little dance as we speak! Move! Move! Move!
So, my faithful reader, light a candle, pray to whatever power you believe in, but let's hope he gets this job and leaves DC once and for all.
Thursday, June 02, 2005
"Til a Landslide Brought Me Down..."
Well, as it turns out, Jim has been in Orange County (The OC) visiting his family. It didn't occur to me until after I saw the evening news that, oh shit, Jim's family lives in Laguna Beach, and I hadn't heard from him in some time. So here I was thinking poor Jim was burried under mud and rubble, but alas, he is ok.
He contacted me and he is alright, the house is alright too (the landslide occured 2 blocks from him). That's California for you. Eathquakes, landslides, fires. I like DC a lot more...very little happens here, at least in the way of natural disasters. Man-made disasters are another story altogether.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Adam's World Tour
Countries Adam has visited:
United States - Well, this one is obvious. Cities I have have spent large amounts of time in: Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia, Cincinnatti, San Francisco, Portland, Baltimore. States I have at least visited: DC, Virginia, Maryland, North & South Carolina, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey, New York (upstate & city), Delaware, West Virginia, California, Oregon, Washington State.
Canada - Montreal and Quebec City
United Kingdon - London, Dover
France - Calais, Paris, Bordeaux, Carcassone, Nice, Cannes
Spain - Barcelona
Italy - Florence, Pisa, Orvieto, Rome, Naples, Sorrento, Capri, Bari, Ancona, Venice
Vatican - (Does that really count?)
Greece - Patras, Athens, Piraeus, Thesolloniki, Mykonos, Naxos, Tinos, Delos
Austria - Vienna
Germany - Munich, Mainz
Liechtenstien - Vaduz(another these really count?)
Switzerland - Lucerne
The Netherlands - Amsterdam, Vollendam, Monickendam, Edam
Belgium - Brussles
South Korea -Seoul, In'chon, Suwon
So that brings my count up to 17 nations, including the city-states. Not too shabby for a 24- year old I suppose.
Countries that Adam has not seen, but would like to:
Iceland (Scandanavian boys!!)
As you can see, for the most part, I like the warmer, Mediterranean climates. What can I say?